Wasn’t Joking About 2020 Being the Start of PHASE 2 — HighHeartLife

♦ Content is energetically imbued with rainbow colored ice cream sprinkles to both assist plus repel lowly traits. Phase 2 of the Ascension Process. They’re just words, intellectual terms, just mental speculations and possible near future considerations until one finds ones self suddenly physically living them. Such as been the case on most all fronts […]

via Wasn’t Joking About 2020 Being the Start of PHASE 2 — HighHeartLife

Seeing All 4’s – Symbolism of the Number Four and Its Repetition

I thought this may be helpful to those who are receiving this number now.

Tania Marie

444Since it has become more than uncanny how many times and at such poignant moments the “4 energy” keeps showing up for me the last several months (and increasing by the hour), I thought I’d delve into more than the simple meanings and symbolism I already was aware of for this number vibration and repetitive message, and see what else it reveals. Rather than just keep the information to myself, I thought it might be fun and perhaps synchronous for others to read some of this “just in case” you, too, have been experiencing this phenomena in your life – as it does always seem to be that our collective experiences are aligned 😉

While I also see many other repetitive number pattern sequences, like 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s, the 4’s have been very, very poignant and increasingly multiplying more than any other recently. I can’t begin to tell…

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